We proudly collaborate with local and international partners. Current collaborations include:
- The European Union (Supporting our Center’s conflict mapping research projects and other internal capacity building initiatives including curricula improvement, online visibility and community linkage)
- USAID (Ethiopia Support Program/ESP and Office of Transitional Initiative/OTI) and Institute of Peace and Security Studies/IPSS ofAAU(Supporting Networking Academics for Peace building initiative)
- Amani Communities Africa (ACA), Kenya (Supporting Mediation Training initiative)
- COPE Project, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (Paris) (Supporting Pre-PhD in Political Anthropology (Politics from below) programme)
- A consortium of Ethiopian and Belgian Universities (Supporting ‘Selam-Reinforce’ project)
- British Council Ethiopia (Supporting University Students Peace education)
If your organization is interested in partnering with us, please visit our www.cpr.mu.edu.et for more information.